Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 2

Our last full day today began with several classes in the morning--two in Castellano and one working with younger students in English. Classes here are much bigger than Pingree kids are used to, as most of them have at least 30 students of all abilities, although almost everyone is on a university track. The school is very large, but friendly, and we have been made to feel welcome at all levels.

Pare Manyanet is a Catholic public school, as are many schools here in Spain. In the 30+ years since the liberalization of the national consciousness, the cultural aspect of Catholicism has remained part of Spain´s social fabric, although there is very little traditional observance of religion--at least here in Barcelona. One sees this reflected in the culture of the school--religious icons are present, but there does not seem to be a lot of daily activity that one comes to expect of a Catholic institution.

This afternoon, we left on a field trip to Pueblo Español, an outdoor museum that features reconstructions of pueblos from all over Spain, and tonight, there will be a farewell dinner at the school, planned and prepared by host families. Last night, in honor of Jenn and Rachael´s shared birthday, one family gave a dinner for all 28 kids--hosts and guests! This is a true reflection of the generosity we have encountered here.

Our thanks go to all the teachers and families who have exhibited such generosity in the last 8 days, and a special thanks to Anna Buñuel whose thoughtfulness, organization, and hard work make this "intercambio" such a popular and important tradition in the life of both our schools.

Tomorrow´s ¨field trip" will be an extended one, as we fly home through Madrid and Chicago!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for your visit and have a safe journey back!
